RawChoice Beef and Vegetable (2Lb)
RawChoice Beef and Vegetable frozen dog food is a complete and balanced pet food made with high-quality Eastern Ontario beef and nutrient-rich vegetables. It contains beef muscle, hearts, tongues, liver, lungs, kidneys, and bones which provide a concentrated source of high protein lean muscle, natural water and fat-soluble vitamins, natural enzymes, amino acids, critical trace minerals, such as copper, in addition to other healthful nutrients that fresh, raw meat provides.
Ontario Beef and Vegetable Dog Food
RawChoice Beef and Vegetable frozen dog food is a premium, complete, and balanced pet food that is suitable for all life stages of your furry friend. This 2lb package of RawChoice Beef and Vegetable is made with Eastern Ontario beef (muscle, hearts, and tongues), beef organs (lung, kidney, liver), and ground beef bones, along with nutrient-rich carrots, apples, and broccoli to provide a wholesome and nutritious meal for your pet.
Whether you have an aging senior or a pet of any other stage of life, this balanced diet will give your pet the energy and nutrients they need to thrive. With its easy-to-digest formula and delicious taste, RawChoice Beef and Vegetable is the perfect choice for pets of all ages and breeds.
Eastern Ontario beef (muscle, hearts, and tongues), beef organs (lung, kidney, liver), ground beef bones, carrots, apples, and broccoli.
RawChoice Beef and Vegetable is formulated with 70% muscle,10% bones, 10% vegetables and fruit, and 10% organs ratio with no more than 2.5% liver.
Suitable for:
Dogs: All life stages
Proposed supplements that will complement Beef and Vegetable:
Raw Whole Egg (twice a week)
Sardines (half a can three times a week)
Available Sizes:
2 LB Clear plastic containers
Nutrional Analysis:
Nutrition Facts |
per 100 grams |
Amount |
Unit |
Calories |
184 |
Moisture |
% |
65 |
Fat |
% |
14 |
Protein |
% |
15 |
Fibre |
% |
6 |
Vitamins & Minerals |
Calcium |
mg |
210.36 |
Iron |
mg |
2.38 |
Magnesium |
mg |
17.28 |
Phosphorus |
mg |
202.59 |
Potassium |
mg |
253.01 |
Sodium |
mg |
67.13. |
Zinc |
mg |
3.34 |
Copper |
mg |
1.05 |
Manganese |
mg |
0.07 |
Selenium |
ug |
16.18 |
Thiamin |
mg |
0.08 |
Riboflavin |
mg |
0.43 |
Niacin |
mg |
4.79 |
Beta_Carot |
mg |
298.45 |
Folate |
ug |
40.12 |
Vitamin B12 |
ug |
8.31 |
Vitamin A_UI |
IU |
2185.04 |
Vitamin A_RAE |
IU |
519.15 |
Vitamin E |
mg |
0.44 |
Vitamin K |
mg |
19.87 |
Vitamin C |
mg |
2.49 |
Additional Product Info |
Muscle Meat |
% |
65 |
Organ Meat |
% |
10 |
Bone Content |
% |
15 |
Fruit and Vegetable |
% |
10 |
Supplement |
% |
0 |